Thursday, March 10, 2016

Behind-The-Wheel Driving Test at Santa Clara California on March 2016

I was reading anything and everything available on Google, regarding driving test experience at Santa Clara, before my Behind-The -Wheel test. I promised myself that I will share my experience once I get my License. Hopefully, it is going to help someone who is going through the same phase. Well, my first-time experience was not so good. I had booked my first Behind-the-wheel test, right after clearing my written exam, at San Jose DMV. I took a morning slot, around 8:30 AM, at Santa Clara DMV, within a month time gap. I thought that a month of driving is enough to get a license. But sometimes I can be so wrong! I took a driving class...

Santa Clara Driving Test(Behind-The-Wheel) Routes

Through Homestead Route 1: ========================= L on Granada R on Pomeroy L on El Sobrante Av (Reverse & Curbside Test) R on Kiely Blvd L on Benton R on White Dr R on Las Palmas Dr @ STOP sign R on HomeStead R on Pomeroy R on Granada R onto DMV Office and Park Route 2: ========================= L on Granada Ave R on Pomeroy Ave L on El Sobrante Av (Reverse & Curbside Test) L on Alpine Ave R on Fresno St R on Kiely Blvd R on Homestead Rd R on Pomeroy Ave L on Benton St R on Flora Vista Ave R on Granada R onto DMV Office and Park Through El Camino Route 1: ========================= L on Granada R on Pomeroy L on El Sobrante Av R on Via Dondera R on Cala Blazas L on El Camino Real R on Lawrence Rd (Not onto Lawrence Freeway) R on Warburton Avenue (Reverse and Curbside Parking) R...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Books for Babies - My Daughter's Collection

My daughter who is a year and 4 months old now has her own favorite collection.  Seeing her inclination towards books, we started taking her to the local library. But it did not help much. She just wants to read the same books again and again, what we had bought for her. May be it's going to take some time when she will enjoy reading new books every time. But as of now, she is quite happy with the little collection she has. I think babies like the predictability, the routine and are not open for anything new in their life. They are happy in their small world. So here is the collection of her books according to her preference and I got all...

Friday, February 26, 2016

How to spend the whole day with your infant!

Those are the exact words that I had typed in google when I decided to take a break from my work and stay at home with my little one. And yes, I didn't find any good results! What I was looking for, is a timetable, that will give an hour wise detail. I have seen so many moms staying at home and taking care of their kids so efficiently. My mom is a home maker and she was always busy doing something with us i.e. me and my sister. So I thought that it won't be a big deal! But as the last day at my work was approaching, I was getting more and more nervous and was searching vigorously in google changing the keywords. I got a few games that I can play with the little one, I can read stories to her or I can take her for a walk. Finally, the day arrived and I was all alone at home with her. I...
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