I remember I had a weighing scale. I searched for it everywhere and finally got it hidden behind some boxes in the closet. I put it on the bathroom floor and stepped on it. It showed 149.6 pounds. I got my phone and quickly converted it to kilograms and then I just screamed. I was devastated. It was a month of January, just after the holiday season. I am only 5 feet in height and I calculated my BMI which was way high than expected. In short, I was OVERWEIGHT! Check yours here.
I was not sure where to start from. To clear my head, I just went out for a walk. I don't enjoy working out in a gym. I can't diet. So, what options do I have? The only thing I like is to walk in the open air and I decided that is what I will start with. Today, after 7 months, I am 130.8 pounds, still overweight as per the calculation. But, I know, I can bring it down within a few more months because I have learned the key to weight loss.
If you are in a similar situation and looking for some possible solutions, you are at the right place. Here are my ways of losing those extra pounds:
1. Have some devastating and heart breaking experience:
It is YOU who have to be willing to take a step forward to weight loss. If you want to do it, you can do it. For that, you need some humiliating experiences which will inspire you to take the step. If you are happy with yourself and want to do it since your doctor asked, you are not ready yet. So, the first step to weight loss is 'Be Ready'. Check mine in the below-related posts:
1. Overweight - Who me?
2. When are you due?
2. Get a Weighing Scale:
Weigh yourself and set a possible target. Yes, that's what I did! I decided to lose 10 pounds. So, set a target and start working on it.
3. Cut on SUGAR:
For me, the most challenging part was to cut on sugar.However, it was the most rewarding one too! I love desserts. I love anything which is sweet. It was really difficult to watch those box of muffin and ignore it. But I did! I limited my sugar intake to 2 teaspoons daily with coffee. Within 3 days, my scale was showing 2 pounds less! It was an exhilarating feeling. Those 3 days, my husband and my daughter had to bear with my terrible mood. But, when I saw my sacrifice really got paid, it raised my hope and determination. But, I didn't see any visible change in myself. And after the initial 3 pounds, my weight got stuck there and I had to take the next step.
4. Get a Fitness Tracker:
I have a whatsup group of my college friends. A friend brought up if anyone using a Fitbit. I googled to check what it is. When I replied that I had to google it, everyone laughed and thought it was my excellent sense of humor. I didn't bother to rectify them that it was my terrible sense of ignorance. But when I googled it, I liked it. I bought 2 of them on Valentine's Day. One for my husband and one for myself. Since then, I only take it off for charging. I just love it! I am not a person who can spend hours in a gym. But I can walk and I love it. I like to walk on roads, at the park, on the hiking trails, in open air. Oxygen makes me alive and fresh. I think everyone has their own share of likes and dislikes. Find out yours and stick to it! So walking daily and the cut on sugar helped me to reduce a few more pounds. I started fitting into my old clothes and that is pure happiness. But then the weight loss process was slow. So, what next?
5. Reduce Solids and Increase Liquid Intake:
I decided to try on some healthy eating habits. I tried not to make it a punishing experience, but a rewarding one. I started having a glass of warm lemon-honey water in the morning. I take my breakfast, usually 2 slices of wheat bread and egg and coffee. I started drinking lots of water and even milk when I feel hungry, in-between meals. Initially, I didn't curb any meals. But, I took charge of the in-between-meals snacking. I replaced my sugar cookies with fruits and milk. It worked magic.
These 5 steps may not turn you into a slim trim model, but you will surely see a different YOU. This is just the beginning. Still, I surrender to the cravings for those Oreos, muffins, chocolate and ice cream, but not daily. I have reduced almost 20 pounds in these 7-8 months, yet there is a long way to go. I will share anything interesting that works for me. It may work for you too!
Let's join hands to "wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction."

If you are in a similar situation and looking for some possible solutions, you are at the right place. Here are my ways of losing those extra pounds:
1. Have some devastating and heart breaking experience:
It is YOU who have to be willing to take a step forward to weight loss. If you want to do it, you can do it. For that, you need some humiliating experiences which will inspire you to take the step. If you are happy with yourself and want to do it since your doctor asked, you are not ready yet. So, the first step to weight loss is 'Be Ready'. Check mine in the below-related posts:
1. Overweight - Who me?
2. When are you due?
2. Get a Weighing Scale:
Weigh yourself and set a possible target. Yes, that's what I did! I decided to lose 10 pounds. So, set a target and start working on it.
3. Cut on SUGAR:
For me, the most challenging part was to cut on sugar.However, it was the most rewarding one too! I love desserts. I love anything which is sweet. It was really difficult to watch those box of muffin and ignore it. But I did! I limited my sugar intake to 2 teaspoons daily with coffee. Within 3 days, my scale was showing 2 pounds less! It was an exhilarating feeling. Those 3 days, my husband and my daughter had to bear with my terrible mood. But, when I saw my sacrifice really got paid, it raised my hope and determination. But, I didn't see any visible change in myself. And after the initial 3 pounds, my weight got stuck there and I had to take the next step.
4. Get a Fitness Tracker:
I have a whatsup group of my college friends. A friend brought up if anyone using a Fitbit. I googled to check what it is. When I replied that I had to google it, everyone laughed and thought it was my excellent sense of humor. I didn't bother to rectify them that it was my terrible sense of ignorance. But when I googled it, I liked it. I bought 2 of them on Valentine's Day. One for my husband and one for myself. Since then, I only take it off for charging. I just love it! I am not a person who can spend hours in a gym. But I can walk and I love it. I like to walk on roads, at the park, on the hiking trails, in open air. Oxygen makes me alive and fresh. I think everyone has their own share of likes and dislikes. Find out yours and stick to it! So walking daily and the cut on sugar helped me to reduce a few more pounds. I started fitting into my old clothes and that is pure happiness. But then the weight loss process was slow. So, what next?
5. Reduce Solids and Increase Liquid Intake:
I decided to try on some healthy eating habits. I tried not to make it a punishing experience, but a rewarding one. I started having a glass of warm lemon-honey water in the morning. I take my breakfast, usually 2 slices of wheat bread and egg and coffee. I started drinking lots of water and even milk when I feel hungry, in-between meals. Initially, I didn't curb any meals. But, I took charge of the in-between-meals snacking. I replaced my sugar cookies with fruits and milk. It worked magic.
These 5 steps may not turn you into a slim trim model, but you will surely see a different YOU. This is just the beginning. Still, I surrender to the cravings for those Oreos, muffins, chocolate and ice cream, but not daily. I have reduced almost 20 pounds in these 7-8 months, yet there is a long way to go. I will share anything interesting that works for me. It may work for you too!
Let's join hands to "wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction."
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