Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Eat, Sleep and Netflix

"I'm sorry, I don't own a TV.You don't own a TV? What's all your furniture pointed at?" Does that sound familiar to you? Okay, how about this one? "But it hurts my Joye's Apple.For the last time, it is not named after each individual man." Context: They were talking about Adam's Apple. Still, not sure? And here goes my last clue. "Everyone is getting married or pregnant or promoted. And I am getting coffee. And it's not even for me." Yes, I am talking about "Friends(F•R•I•E•N•D•S) ", the 10 season series which was first aired in the 90's and still it is aired on some or other channels daily. Every time I browse through TV channels, I stop for "Friends" and for a good laugh. You can even catch some funny moments on Youtube.  I was first introduced to "Friends" by my...

Monday, November 13, 2017

'School Romance' in the 90's

Today morning, I was driving my daughter to her school pre-school. She just turned three and started her pre-school. Before that, she used to go to the same Montessori, but toddler class. We used to even call that 'School'. On getting promoted to her pre-school, she started believing that she is a 'Big Girl' and school is only for babies. So, whenever we talk about her school, she corrects me “Mamma, that is pre-school, not school. I am a big girl now!” So yeah, we were driving to her pre-school and she was continuously babbling about how Mr. Sun was still sleeping and her car seat was cold and it's evening or morning and so on.  With...
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