Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Songs for Kids

How do you feel when you learn something new from your little one? I call that "Thrilling"!  My daughter goes to a Montessori school and in their class and there is a mix of kids aged between 3 to 5 years. I personally like that idea because I feel that way, the younger kids get inspired by the older ones. Also, the older ones are qualified to take care of the younger ones and thus they become responsible. It is a win-win situation. My daughter, who will be four years old this October, started telling that she is "almost four" after a month or two of her 3rd birthday. She wants to play the role of the older ones. It is amusing how the little ones try to grow old and we, the older ones try to hold on to our age. One more thing I like about her school is how they are introduced to...

Monday, July 30, 2018

How I miss those happiness that came in small packages!

I am posting after a long pause. During this gap, a lot of things happened. We took a vacation to India, met a few old friends and ate a lot. Now, I weigh a few points more. I have started taking Zumba and Dance Aerobics Classes. I hurt my knee, again. My daughter grew a few more inches and her vocabulary only includes "No, Thank You". Well, in short, life happened.  So today, I just felt nostalgic about my childhood. My daughter amazes me every day. I see her and I just wonder how diverse is our childhood. Being brought up in a middle-class family in a small town in India, my life was quite simple. But when I...
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