Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Songs for Kids

How do you feel when you learn something new from your little one? I call that "Thrilling"! 
My daughter goes to a Montessori school and in their class and there is a mix of kids aged between 3 to 5 years. I personally like that idea because I feel that way, the younger kids get inspired by the older ones. Also, the older ones are qualified to take care of the younger ones and thus they become responsible. It is a win-win situation. My daughter, who will be four years old this October, started telling that she is "almost four" after a month or two of her 3rd birthday. She wants to play the role of the older ones. It is amusing how the little ones try to grow old and we, the older ones try to hold on to our age.

One more thing I like about her school is how they are introduced to some beautiful music. I love music. I started singing to my daughter much before she started to speak. She also started humming quite early. But when I went out of stock of some new tunes, my daughter brought some pleasant and catchy tunes to our playlist. 

I posted about some interactive baby songs in one of my previous post. Here, I am extending that list. As she is growing older, our favorite songs playlist is also getting longer. So if you are looking for some beautiful tunes to play for your child, give these songs a try.

So, here are some jingles for your children:

1. Somewhere over the Rainbow:
A few days back, I heard my daughter singing this song almost correct and thus it was an easy and an amazing finding. Later, I learned that it's quite a popular one. It will surely touch your soul.

2. I think you are wonderful:
Just listen to this one and you will be clean bowled. Well, I was. The lyrics and the tune are just wow!

Whenever I play this one, my daughter can't stop singing. 

3. I think you are Wonderful, I think you are marvelous:
This one is another catchy one. It was a little difficult to find this song. But, when I finally got this one, my kid was super happy.

4. Ram Sam Dance:
Well, this one is our most recent finding. Usually, if my daughter learns any new songs, she keeps on humming. If it's new to me, I try to google it with whatever words I can gather from her singing. This one went crazy. I asked her to repeat again n again and she was just singing "A- ravi, A -ravi". That is in the middle of the song. But after a few random trials, I got the correct one.

5. Let's star jump:
Music and Movement go parallel and this one is an example. 

5. Down By The Bay:
This one is a recent addition. Yesterday, she was singing this song while playing with her Lego and I just loved it. 
There is a lot of easy and simple songs for children which they can sing to, and dance with. Beleive me, playing the same old nursery rhymes can be boring. If your kid is addicted to iPad or your phone, just play this music and teach them the movements. I am sure, it will be exciting and fun.

I always wonder how they pick those songs in her pre-school. But whatever be that means, I plan to put them all together in one place. If you have a small kid who goes to pre-school or kindergarten and you are planning to play some wonderful music for your child, here are just a few examples. As and when I will decipher a new song, I will add to her collection. Till then keep humming "I think you are wonderful"!


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