Monday, August 31, 2015

How Much I Miss You!

It's been a month now and still I am not able to love this place. I miss my land, my job, my home, my friends. But what I miss most is YOU! We had our differences, we spoke different languages, we had different food habits, we were so much different! In spite of all those differences, you used to take care of me  and my everything! I still remember those days, when you sneak into my house in the early morning, saving glances and glares from everyone. I knew, you cared! Today, when we are thousands of miles away, when we wake up at different timezones, when we have no means of communication, I miss you and I think of you every now and then. How I wish to see you around! Those mornings, when I prepare a breakfast and struggle to feed my daughter and wish if someone would prepare a hot...

Why did I leave my home?

I asked myself  'why do people leave their own land(native) and settle down in a foreign land?'  Or may be, I should put my question in a different way.' Why it is considered more happening or prestigious to stay in a 500 sq ft rented house in a foreign country than a 1500 sq ft own apartment in your own country?' I asked many people. But my question is still unanswered. That's why, I decided to find it out on my own and enlighten others who are wondering the same. Most of my friends from school, college and workplace are settled in US. Even my sister holds a green card. I was curious! How it will be like? How my life would be different? Now, I have no clue what I am doing here! I left my 10 years old job, my own 3BHK apartment, own car, and relocated to US, from India. I knew,...

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

What am I doing here?

I have a lots in my mind and right now I am in a cleaning spree. I am clearing my thoughts and dumping everything in the recycle bin. Well, I have to make some space for the fresh stocks! ...
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