Monday, September 18, 2017

A Lipstick or a Smile - What you wearing?

I am not a Lipstick person. I love colors. But somehow, I don't like it much on my lips. It is said that they can tell a lot about you from your Lipstick Color. Well, what can they tell if you are not wearing any? Let me guess, "LAZY?" I have always wondered how the lipstick stays so perfect and intact for some people. Do they eat or drink? Do they breathe?  If I put on a Lipstick and I promise myself not to smack my lips or get tempted by the fruity flavors to lick my lips, I can make it for an hour. After that, I always wondered, "How it gets vanished?" If it disappears totally, I feel better. But for most of the time, it stays...

Friday, September 8, 2017

Why I am so hungry...ALWAYS?

I bought my  Fitbit Charge2. I had set a target of 8000 steps daily and I was meeting that target almost every day. I reduced sugar! I walked a lot and Boom! I lost 4-5 pounds. I was exhilarated and even inspired. I checked my weight daily in the early morning and there was a loss of at least few ounces each day. My weighing scale was all happy and grateful until one day when I realized my weight is stuck. I  followed the same routine. But there is no more change. "What went wrong?" I wondered. I checked for a few more days, but nothing much changed.  I checked if I missed out something: 8000 steps daily  ✅ Drinking...

Kids Fitness in Bay Area - My ideas to ensure well-being

It is rightly said, "Physical Fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence."  Every child is different and so is their ideas of having fun. But what is common to all these kids, is the requirement for a Fit and Healthy life! But, to engage a child in a physical activity is difficult, unless it is entertaining. A baby learns through Play. For the first time when they turn their head, they see a huge world out there. They crawl for the first time and they discover how capable they are to explore on their own. When they walk for the first time they learn to move ahead and not to stop. So, for a baby, everything is new and...
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