Tuesday, August 29, 2017

"Good" is the new "Pretty"!

"I like this pretty boy!" declared my not-yet-3-year-old daughter, while having her dinner.  "What?" I asked bewildered. This is a conversation I was expecting in another 15 years or more or may be never.  "Which pretty boy?" I asked. She smiled sheepishly and pointed her dad and replied "This pretty boy, this Daddy".  If she wears a frock, she calls it a pretty dress. Put on a headband or a flower clip, she starts dancing "That's Pretty!". So, I knew "Pretty" is something that she associates with something she likes. But "Pretty Boy" - that is a first. So, I asked her "Who else is Pretty?" She thought for a moment...

Friday, August 25, 2017

2017 Summer Activities For Kids in Bay Area- Part III

Winter was always my favorite, until we stepped into the United States. I have spent my entire life in India where we savored those 3 months of relief from the scorching heat. We used to put our pillows and blankets out in the sun, to make it warm. Even, finishing up our homework sitting outdoors was so much fun.  Winter was the time to celebrate, go picnic, plant seasonal flowers, peel oranges while enjoying the Sun. I grew up at a place and time where oranges were available only in winter. We used to wait for the first arrival of oranges in the market. It was exciting! However, things have changed lately. On moving to California, it turned...

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

How My Ad-Sense Got Approved For My Personal Blog in 2017

I always wanted to write. But, the only problem was I didn't know what to write about. I am not an expert on anything and who would care about my opinion.However, I started a blog in 2015 and wrote 4 posts. Yes, that's right. For the whole year, I just wrote 4 posts and it got buried somewhere.  In 2016, I got a triumph over my fear of driving. I got my Driving License. Well yes, that was my heroic tale. I was excited and thought of sharing it with everyone. I started another blog to communalize my experience. After that, nothing significant happened in 2016 and hence I did not get much to talk about. This year(2017), before...

Thursday, August 17, 2017

2017 Summer Activities For Kids in Bay Area - Part II

Say Cheers To Sun, Sand, Sea, and Shells! This Summer we bought a tent, some beach chairs, a beach mat and loads of sunscreen. Every weekend, we explored some new places with my kid and my mom n dad. Sea and Beaches were our most-loved pick.We just left home and then decided where to head to. If I ask my toddler what she wants to do on a weekend, she replies immediately 'SEAAAAAA'! However, we enjoyed a few other places and experiences this summer and you can check in detail here. We stay at Sunnyvale and visited lots of beaches near by. Santa Cruz, Monterey, Half Moon Bay are gorgeous but crowded and not for every...

Lemon-Honey Water - A Magic Potion

"When life gives you a lemon, make a lemonade". I say, instead of lemonade, make some warm lemon water and gulp it down with some honey. Hey, it's tasty and it has got so many health benefits! When I was a kid, my mom used to hand me a glass of warm lemon honey water, after I woke up in the morning. That time, I was very prone to catch a cold and it is loaded with Vitamin C.Also, I was not allowed to have Tea/Coffee. So, lemon-honey water was really a great substitute. The main three ingredients of lemon-honey- water is Lemon, Honey, and some warm Water. Each of the components proves to be super-food for your body. But what the combo...

Monday, August 14, 2017

2017 Summer Activities For Kids in Bay Area - Part I

This Summer, we made some of our best memories. My parents were here. My two and a half-year-old daughter spent a lot of quality time with her grand parents, both indoors and outdoors. For her, Monday-Friday is school days and Saturday-Sunday is Ta Ta-Bye-Bye Days.  Yes, every Saturday and Sunday we are out, exploring the trails, beaches, hills or some architecture. Here, I am quickly highlighting the places and experiences that we loved and felt worth sharing. Cherry Picking AT Brentwood: Who doesn't love a red sweet juicy cherry? And what makes it alluring is the idea-'Pick on your own'. There are a couple of orchards at Brentwood...

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Play a Game and Teach Colors to Kids

Me: 'Color Color' My Daughter: 'What Color?' Me: 'I want Pink!' A pink cereal goes into her mouth.  We started playing this color game when my daughter was a year old. I didn't know how to teach her colors. But soon it became a hit. We played it anytime, anywhere. Now, she is a PRO. It is difficult to catch a child's attention and then to hold it for some time is an another challenge. So, how to teach an infant something new? Play a GAME! Play it often! Initially, she didn't pay much attention. But, after repeating the same game with different props, she started participating. She got the understanding that those are called colors...

Monday, August 7, 2017

My 5-Steps Program To Reduce Those Extra Pounds

I remember I had a weighing scale. I searched for it everywhere and finally got it hidden behind some boxes in the closet. I put it on the bathroom floor and stepped on it. It showed 149.6 pounds. I  got my phone and quickly converted it to kilograms and then I just screamed. I was devastated. It was a month of January, just after the holiday season. I am only 5 feet in height and I calculated my BMI which was way high than expected. In short, I was OVERWEIGHT! Check yours here. I was not sure where to start from. To clear my head, I just went out for a walk. I don't enjoy working out in a gym. I can't diet. So, what options do I...

Thursday, August 3, 2017

My Reason To Lose Those Extra Pounds - "Overweight - Who Me?"

A free health check-up camp was organized at my work. Stand in a queue;  Get a blood test done;  Get your blood pressure checked;  Get a Report Card;  Get it analyzed. Sounds simple, right? Also, it was free! So, I went there and waited for my turn.  My blood pressure looked great! Then, the smiling lady who was taking the test, pricked my finger with my permission. Took the blood on a slide and put it in that device for test results. She frowned, looked back at me and smiled nervously. She pressed a few buttons. Uh ho, my heart sank. That Bad huh? The lady told apologetically that there was some error in...

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Reason To Lose Those Extra Pounds - When are you due?

"When are you due?" "Excuse Me?" "You are pregnant, right?" "Ummm No, I have a 2-year-old girl and not planning anything right now." Some embarrassing smiles and the conversation ended right there. That was a scene from my life, a few months back. I was new at my work. I was in the cafeteria billing queue, holding a  plate full of spaghetti and fried chicken and fruits. Another girl, who was on the same project, was standing right before me with a salad bowl. After the conversation, which ended abruptly, she paid for her salad as fast as she could and ran away from there. I was left alone with a heavy-heart wondering what just...
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