Monday, October 30, 2017

Netflix Shows - My Super-Sensitive 3 year's Favorite

"Deep in the hundred Acre Wood, where Christopher Robin Plays,You'll find the enchanted neighbourhood, of Christophers Childhood Days!" Underneath a beautiful "Apple Sauce" sky, there was a green carpet. It was skillfully decorated with flowers and butterflies and there started the story with "Once Upon a Time..." Yes, that's how "Pooh's Hefallump Movie" started. My three-year-old daughter was sitting silently with me and her Dad. I somehow managed to convince her to stop watching her favorite "Wheels on the bus goes round and round..." and give the movie a try. It started with a background narration and the beautiful wood, sunshine,...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

#MeToo - My tiny contribution to a bigger cause

I saw a post on Facebook which states "#MeToo... Several Times". I was confused. What is that all about? I ignored and I forgot about it. A few hours later, I saw another post with the MeToo hashtag. I did a little google and got some idea. I thought for a moment: "Should I or I should not?" I decided on negative. I decided to do nothing. I have more than 300 friends on Facebook and I saw the Hashtag only 5times, till now. So, I guess, all of my friends think alike!But what are we thinking? I assume #MeToo is a movement to understand the magnitude of sexual assault or violence. But, wait! What the Data says here? Only 5 out of 330 of my friends have voiced their concern which is just 1.5%. So, how are we going to infer on the degree of this problem when we do not have the real data? I...

Pink or Blue - Which color are you?

I went to a neighborhood park with my daughter. She was insisting on me riding the slide, while she would wait on the bench. I was trying to convince her that it should be the other way around. During our heated discussion, a man walked in with a cute baby in a stroller. I whispered to my daughter "Look, a Baby!"  My daughter, on top of her voice: "Baby, Where?" and then on noticing the man and the baby, she added: "Ohhhhhhhhh!" The man smiled and I asked casually "a girl or a boy?" He looked offended and snapped "Hey, look he is wearing blue! Obviously, he is a boy!"  I was embarrassed. In that few seconds, I didn't notice...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Potty Train a Toddler

"Congratulations! Shreyanvi is now potty trained and is eligible to get promoted to the preschool." The week before my daughter's 3rd birthday, her class teacher handed me the above note. I smiled nervously "Really? Is she?" I read lots of articles and blogs on how to start or when to start and how to practice potty training. I think each and every parent takes an approach that suits them best. Our strategy was a simple  "Wait until she is ready".  We could not try the steps of 5 days plans to potty training. We could not keep her diaper free because: On weekdays, she goes to a daycare and she has to wear a diaper until...

Sunday, October 8, 2017

How to stop bottle feeding in toddlers?

My daughter turned three on 3rd of October.  It was a busy fun-filled foody week. A friend with his family was visiting us. Their one-and-a-half-year-old son reminded me of my daughter at that age.  He was full of energy, dancing and jumping around. But when it comes to food, he just shut his mouth off. Playing some video can distract him for some time when his mom pushes a few spoons of food into his mouth.  But, after some time, he is hungry and cries for his bottle and milk. Even, at night, he wakes up multiple times for milk. Watching them, I was wondering how the story repeats at every house! My daughter was...
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