Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Songs for Kids

How do you feel when you learn something new from your little one? I call that "Thrilling"!  My daughter goes to a Montessori school and in their class and there is a mix of kids aged between 3 to 5 years. I personally like that idea because I feel that way, the younger kids get inspired by the older ones. Also, the older ones are qualified to take care of the younger ones and thus they become responsible. It is a win-win situation. My daughter, who will be four years old this October, started telling that she is "almost four" after a month or two of her 3rd birthday. She wants to play the role of the older ones. It is amusing how the little ones try to grow old and we, the older ones try to hold on to our age. One more thing I like about her school is how they are introduced to...

Monday, July 30, 2018

How I miss those happiness that came in small packages!

I am posting after a long pause. During this gap, a lot of things happened. We took a vacation to India, met a few old friends and ate a lot. Now, I weigh a few points more. I have started taking Zumba and Dance Aerobics Classes. I hurt my knee, again. My daughter grew a few more inches and her vocabulary only includes "No, Thank You". Well, in short, life happened.  So today, I just felt nostalgic about my childhood. My daughter amazes me every day. I see her and I just wonder how diverse is our childhood. Being brought up in a middle-class family in a small town in India, my life was quite simple. But when I...

Monday, January 29, 2018

10 Interactive Songs For Babies and Toddlers

It was a cold and soggy winter evening. The clock struck 5:30. I heard my daughter's voice, arguing with her dad about something. I narrowed my eyes and pulled up my invisible antenna to catch a few words from their conversation. It was vague. I stood up to prepare my self for the storm that was going to land through the main door. Within a few seconds, I heard my daughter's most favorite words  "I don't want it, Daddy!" One day, I had planned to count how many times she used that phrase in a day.But, I lost track only after a few times. I opened the door and my three-year-old darling daughter came running with her dad and dived into my arms. I tried to remove her shoe and she whined: "Why you helping me Mamma?" I stopped and waited patiently until she requested me to help. I...

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Her Poop Tale

My three-year-old daughter is amazing. Well, take a peek at any mom's heart and you will see a similar feeling. And, it is unquestionably true. A new-born baby is a master in 4 areas - feed, pee, poo, and cry. Sometimes, it just wonders me how fast a child learns. How their intelligence works and how perfect is the blend of their imagination and innocence! Turning three was really a big deal for my daughter. She started telling everyone she meets "I am three years old. I am Big". She eats three cookies since she is three. At bedtime, she insists on reading three books. She believes she has three pairs of green socks since she is...

Monday, January 8, 2018

'Maacher Jhol' on my Kadai

Scene 1: My Home ============== Mom: Why you putting that fish aside? Gulp it up or eat that with the rice. Tiny Me: I don't like fish. Why you didn't make chicken today? Mom: Fish is good for your eyes. If you finish that fish you will be Super Intelligent.You will have glowing skin, shiny hair! Me: Really? (Swallowing the fish with some water) Scene 2: Lunch at some relative's marriage day  ==================================== Aunty1: You are not eating anything? Me: No No, I am eating. See!(putting some white rice in my mouth) Aunty1: Why are you eating white rice? Take some fish! (On top of her voice) Get a fish for her and some curry. Me(Silently, inspecting a storm following): I don't like fish. Aunty2: What? You don't eat fish? What is happening to all...

Friday, January 5, 2018

Fun Ideas to teach your Toddler her ABCs

"When words fail, music speaks."  When my daughter was born, I used to sing to her regularly. That was my only way of communicating with her. It was any kind of song, or a rhyme or even I talked to her in some tune. Also, my Dad, who does not remember a single song, used to sing ABCD song to her. She is three years old now. Still, ABCD song is one of her most favorite.  She started singing on her own when she turned one year. She could not speak all the letters. But she used to manage it somehow.It was adorable. I bet, she had no idea how this ABCD would torment her life in some near future. It was difficult to introduce...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

A-B-C of my "Driving"

Tiny Me: C for Car! (Yes, I only knew that much about a Car when I was a Kid) Teen Me: Someday, I want a car of my own(Like the Red one in the picture)! Earning Me: I need to start taking a driving lesson soon! Car Owner Me: Why everyone conspires against me on road? Walking is much better!  I have fantasized about driving a car for a long time. No selective Model or a style. It was just the idea of driving a car on my own. When I was growing up in a small town in India, a car was a luxury. In those inspirational speech sessions, my mom used to say "If you study well now, someday you will have a car of your own". Or, if I...

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Eat, Sleep and Netflix

"I'm sorry, I don't own a TV.You don't own a TV? What's all your furniture pointed at?" Does that sound familiar to you? Okay, how about this one? "But it hurts my Joye's Apple.For the last time, it is not named after each individual man." Context: They were talking about Adam's Apple. Still, not sure? And here goes my last clue. "Everyone is getting married or pregnant or promoted. And I am getting coffee. And it's not even for me." Yes, I am talking about "Friends(F•R•I•E•N•D•S) ", the 10 season series which was first aired in the 90's and still it is aired on some or other channels daily. Every time I browse through TV channels, I stop for "Friends" and for a good laugh. You can even catch some funny moments on Youtube.  I was first introduced to "Friends" by my...

Monday, November 13, 2017

'School Romance' in the 90's

Today morning, I was driving my daughter to her school pre-school. She just turned three and started her pre-school. Before that, she used to go to the same Montessori, but toddler class. We used to even call that 'School'. On getting promoted to her pre-school, she started believing that she is a 'Big Girl' and school is only for babies. So, whenever we talk about her school, she corrects me “Mamma, that is pre-school, not school. I am a big girl now!” So yeah, we were driving to her pre-school and she was continuously babbling about how Mr. Sun was still sleeping and her car seat was cold and it's evening or morning and so on.  With...
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